1. Have a spa day. Whether it’s before you go- or after you get to your destination (I prefer after) especially if I know it will be especially stressful. Don’t forget to still exercise, yoga, or walking to optimize your time
2. Book travel at smart times. Consider booking your flight, (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays) train or driving times during non-peak times.
3. Speaking of transportation … rather than relying on public transportation, why not get a good friend or family member to drive you to the airport instead? It might relax you, knowing that you’re in good hands and that you can talk up a storm with a friend- taking your mind off that leg of the trip.
4. Don’t overbook your itinerary. You run the risk of being stressed, running from place to place- not even taking the needed time to actually experience your destination. Don’t schedule every waking moment – leave time to just be.
5. Try pre-packing. Always keep your bag packed and at the ready, except for your clothes. Top-off liquids when you arrive home from your trip. Replace anything you ran out of right away- that way when it’s time to pack for your next trip- all you need is your clothes, camera equipment and electronics.
6. Lists, lists and more lists. Make lists of everything and check off as you go. Packing list, a list of chores around the house before you leave, a list for the house-sitter, a list for things you need to buy before you leave. This way- you are sure not to forget anything, spending less time wondering and worrying.
7. Take enough time off. Don’t plan to work right up until the second you’re due to leave and make sure to give enough time to unpack, relax and get used to the time-change on the way back, especially if it is an international trip you are returning from. Build in an extra day on each leg of your journey- act as if it is part of your itinerary!
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