Monthly Archives: May 2016

Why is my AC blowing hot air or has poor airflow?

Why is my AC blowing hot air or has poor airflow?

Some of the main causes of weak airflow are:   --Mold or mildew can accumulate in the evaporator core, when this  happens air will have trouble reaching air vents.  --Your hose could of come lose, the blower hose that supplies air to  unit is off.  --The ventilation fan is broken, no air will blow well or at all.  --Your seals: blower house seals, core case seals or evaporator seals, if seals are compromised the air flow will diminish. Come by Ricks Auto Service let us check out your A/C, use one of our loaner cars for free.      

Why we talk Maintenance with our customers.

Why we talk Maintenance with our customers.

This was an article written from Lake Charles.. Why we always recommend maintenance for your vehicle.  I want to share a true story from this weekend with you. A couple of friends stopped by my house Sunday around noon, for a quick visit. About an hour later my wife showed me some pictures from Facebook. He was in a wreck. Here's what happened. He has an older truck, and it hasn't been in for service in a while. Something in the “steering” gave out, sending him out of control. His truck ran off the road, and when he tried to correct, the truck flipped. His wife was in the vehicle in front of him, and watched in horror through her rear view mirror. His truck is totaled, but he is OK. A little sore, but no major injuries. This is something to think about when a repair shop tells you that you have repairs needed on your vehicle. We are not trying to take your money, we are trying to keep you and your family safe. I know some repairs are expensive. But, how much i ... read more

How do I drive in the rain?

How do I drive in the rain?

Turn on those headlights. In reading up on the material, I didn’t realize that it’s the law in all states for your headlights to be on. Your visibility is low, also, in many states when your windshield wipers are being used your headlights need to be on. Think. How often do you just drive, driving is often done out of habit. If your driving conditions are less than ideal, we need to be alert and focused to what is going on around me. Beware of hydroplaning. When your tires are getting more traction on the layer of water then on the road (called Hydroplaning) your car slides uncontrollable. Let off the accelerator slowly & steer straight until you get control Turn off cruise control.  This is important for me, because on rain or snow slick surfaces, you may lose control because of cruise control. If hydroplaning while in cruise control your car goes faster. Slow down. Your spe ... read more

Thursday Car Trivia

Thursday Car Trivia

What was the first Official White House Car? If you quessed a 1909 Steamer, ordered by President Taft. You got it right  

Checks you can do for your tires.

Checks you can do for your tires.

1-Look for things embedded in each tire.Do you see nails, stones, or other debris embedded in the treads? Remove them. But if you're goint to remove a nail, first make sure that your spare tire is inflated and in usable shape.2-Look at the sidewalls.Are you seeing deeply scuffed/worn areas, are there bulges, bubbles, or small slits or holes? The tires themselves do they fit evenly and snug around the wheel rims?3-Look at the treads.Have you ever tried the Lincoln penny head-down in the groove between the treads. I you see the top of Lincoln's head, tire probably needs to be replaced. 4-Pay attention to leaks.Do you keep losing air in your tires, stop by and have it checked. It could be an easy fix, such as an ill-fitting rim could cause the leak. Still can't find lead, check the tire valve, you can buy a tire valve and replace.    

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